how to start a small business
Living in a rural community limits youth to their selection of future careers. This course leans on the teaching of entrepreneurship. It will teach youth how to turn ideas into a business, how to research grants, how to register a business name and how to get a business number.
The ideal youth will already have entrepreneurial tendencies and have the drive and the positive attitude to want to learn more.
Program Start Dates: Beginning to mid September
Pre-registration is open now.
how to build a simple website
As a follow up to How to Start a Small Business, or can be taken independently, this course will show youth how to take their business ideas and create a brand and a creative website using a simple online platform that can be entirely free.
Ideal Youths for this course will have the drive to learn a new skill and the passion to commit to this learning and the willingness to pursue something they love.
Program Start Dates: Beginning to mid September
Pre-registration is open now.
social media for small business
Social Media for Business is a different beast than social media amongst friends. Youth will learn how to interact as a business on a variety of current social media platforms, what are good topics to discuss surrounding their particular business, where to source material without copywrite infringements and how to create stunning creative images with free online programs.
The ideal candidate for this course will have completed How to Start a Small Business and How to Design a Simple Website.
Program Start Dates: Beginning to mid September
Pre-registration is open now.
This is not just a sit and watch a film type of course. This course is ideal for the youth who has a passion for writing, for discovering plots in films, for creative thinking and for the student who may be interested in film writing or directing in the future.
We will be watching documentaries, short films and full length features, then discussing and dissecting the plots thereafter.
The ideal youth should be willing to watch the movie in silence and with respect to others and participate in post movie discussion
Program Start Dates: Beginning to mid September
Pre-registration is open now.
Culinary Courses
Action CameraÂ
journalism & Storytelling
Our culinary course is designed for the interested individual who wants to learn how to prepare and cook food using whole ingredients. This individual may have a general interest in cooking or genuinely want to purse a cooking career in the future.
We will explore worldly foods, baked goods and all techniques involved in learning to cook professionally.
Program Start Dates: Beginning to mid September
Pre-registration is open now.
This course is designed for a student curious in photography and storytelling. The ideal student needs to be committed to learning how to use a camera to capture images that can be used to guide a person through a story.
The student will learn various techniques to using a camera's settings to capture the perfect image to help tell a story.
Program Start Dates: Beginning to mid September
Pre-registration is open now.