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STAR journalist PROGRAM

Age 7 and older

This program and course is to help learn the art of a successful journalistic interview.

Although based on Intergenerational communication of Youth interviewing Seniors we welcome anyone interested in developing
journalistic interviewing skills.

The interviews are meant to cover stories and life experiences and help broaden our understanding of other people's lives through
learning about their stories and listening to their thoughts and feelings.

We hope it will also give us insights into how we look at our own lives.


After registering you will be guided to the Journalist tab where you will be required to finish the course and test. 

We will then mentor and help each participant individually to prepare the pre-interview, formulate questions, practice, set up the interview, as well as follow up.

The interview will be video taped and published.

A certificate will be presented on completion of a successfully taped interview.

After this course has been completed there will be further workshops and studies on various forms of journalism.

School classes are welcome to take part and a tutor is available to visit classes.


Questions are welcome! Contact Ali at



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